Online Music Player

Do you like to listen to music when you are sitting at your computer? Do you ever wish you could program a radio station with music from a favorite artist or musical genre? Do you like a variety of music, but don’t want the hassle of creating play lists in iTunes? Enter Pandora. If you haven’t heard of it, or used it yet, I highly recommend it.

Pandora allows you type in an artist or album and it will create a personalized radio station with music that is similar to that artist and their musical style. For example, I am getting into the Christmas spirit a little early and wanted to listen to Christmas music, but I don’t like the uber-wide variety of music most radio stations play at Christmas time. You can keep your honky-tonk Christmas and your Christmas parody, I like the classics. I typed in “Johnny Mathis Holiday” and Pandora started playing Christmas music from artists like The Carpenters, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, etc. The great thing is that I can rate the music and Pandora will learn what I like and don’t like. If a certain artist or song is played that I don’t think quite fits what I had in mind for the station, I can give it a thumbs down it won’t play it again. Conversely, everything I give a thumbs up to Pandora will continue to play songs and artists similar to the ones I like.

Pandora has a wide variety of artists and songs, even if it doesn’t have exactly the artist you are looking for. The downside is that you can only listen online, but if you really like a variety and want to play songs from a certain musical vantage point, all while sitting at your computer, then check out Pandora today. Oh, by the way, it is completely free!